Personal information
- Situation personnelle et état civil
- Last name (in all caps) - Nom de famille
- First name - Prénom
- Address - Adresse
- Phone number, including international access code - Numéro de téléphone
* Work phone - bureau
* Home phone - domicile
* Mobile phone - portable - Email - adresse e-mail
- Nationality - Nationalité
- Age - Âge
- Marital status, number and age of children - Situation de famille
* Single - célibataire
* Married - marié(e)
* Divorced - divorcé(e)
* Widowed - veuf (veuve) - Passport-sized, color photograph (colar do lado direito ou esquerdo das informações pessoais)
- Project Professionnel or Objectif
- Short, precise description of your skills and/or short-term career goals (i.e., what you'll bring to this job).
- Expérience professionnelle
- Thematic or backwards chronological list
- Name of company, location, dates of employment, title, job description, responsibilities, and notable achievements
- Formation
- Only the highest diplomas you have obtained.
- Name and location of school, dates, and degree earned
- Connaissances (linguistiques et informatiques)
- Don't exaggerate your language skills; they're very easy to verify.
- Qualifiers:
* (Basic) knowledge - Notions
* Conversant - Maîtrise convenable, Bonnes connaissances
* Proficient - Lu, écrit, parlé
* Fluent - Courant
* Bilingual - Bilingue
* Native language - Langue maternelle (não esqueça de colocar o português!)
- Operating systems
- Software programs
- Centres d'intérêt, Passe-temps, Loisirs, Activités personnelles/extra-professionnelles
- Limit this section to three or four lines.
- Consider the value of what you choose to include: list things that make you sound interesting, that set you apart from the rest of the crowd.
- Be prepared to discuss these with the interviewer (e.g., "How often do you play tennis? What's the last book you read?")
There are two main types of French résumés, depending on what the potential employee wants to emphasize:
2 comentários:
oi pessoal, gostei disso! valeu, bjoka=0)
Nossa, que maravilha!
Desmistificando o tão temido currículo quebecóise! rsrsrs
Eu que já tenho currículo Lattes é só transferir para a lingua francesa!
Très bon!
Bjs pra ti,
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